This month we are focusing on “loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.” (Mark 12.30) We invite you to take one prayer request each day as marked and pray over it repeatedly that day. We also suggest you look up the Bible verses for further understanding in prayer.
Monday: Ask God to show himself to you, to make himself real to you. (Romans 1.19; Matthew 11.27)
Tuesday: Ask God to help you grasp some of his greatness (Psalm 145.3), his understanding (147.5), his knowledge (139.6) and his riches, wisdom, judgments and ways (Romans 11.33) even though they are beyond our ability to understand fully.
Wednesday: Thank God for the ability to increase in your knowledge of God and to delight in him more and more as we learn about God’s own thoughts (Psalm 139.17-18)
Thursday: Thank God that we can know that God is true and that he is love (1 John 4.8), that he is light (1.5), that he is spirit (John 4.24) and that he is just and righteous (Romans 3.26).
Friday: Ask God to grow in your knowledge of him, more deeply each day so that you can know him personally and understand how he practices steadfast love, justice and righteousness on the earth (Jeremiah 9.23-24).
Prayer points are adapted from Wayne Grudem’s, Systematic Theology, chapter 10, The Knowability of God.