“Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev—he, his wife, and all he had, and Lot with him. Abram was very rich in livestock, silver, and gold. He went by stages from the Negev to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had formerly been, to the site where he had built the altar. And Abram called on the name of the Lordthere.” (Genesis 13:1–4)
Abram went up from Egypt to … to the site where he had built the altar. And Abram called on the name of the Lord there. Once we feel the bite of God’s discipline, especially when we have misused our wives, there is only one place to go again, back to the Lord.
It is there, as we fall on our knees, confess our failures, plead for His forgiveness, and trust in God’s restoration that we find new life. Remember what we are taught by brother John, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
Note the first word there, “If.”A major portion of our lives hinges on the word, “If.”“IfI had just stepped forward in faith instead …” “If I hadn’t said (or done) that …” And here, “If we confess our sins.”
As Abram returns to the Promised Land, he comes to the realization that though he has greater wealth than ever before in His life, he really has been making the choices that were creating distance between him and others.
He’d just been kicked out of Egypt as persona non grata for his deceit, and it takes little imagination to guess how Sarai felt about being sold out as a prostitute every time her husband feared for his life. I mean, really, who in their God-fearing mind does that!
And so, the long trek back to God. “He went by stages from the Negev to Bethel.”Now, we know the distance made this necessary, but that’s how God works in our hearts as well. If you will, “Draw near to God … he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) Each day Abram thought and each night he pondered his failures … like we do.
Today would be a great day to return to God. You’ve been thinking about it for a while. And afterwards, return to your wife in confession and ask for forgiveness for the way you’ve misused her as well.
Magnificent Marriage Mondays are helpful hints, clues, ideas, and solutions for the child of God who is looking for a spouse, in a relationship with someone, or are already married. Each post seeks to bring help, hope, and honesty to your life and make the rest of your life, the best of your life. They are written by Dr. Matthew Lee Smith, Executive Director of Eagles In Leadership, and come from his 38 years, 5 months and 2 days experience with his wife, Melodee, who was promoted to Heaven on November 11, 2017. He is currently seeking God’s will for his new life partner. He welcomes your comments below.