January 12th:
The Expansion of Our Careers:
We’re Asking God to
Bless the Works of Our Hands!
Read: Genesis 12:1-3
Believe: God blesses us SO THAT we can be a blessing to others. (Love is always spelled: G-I-V-E!)
Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:
• Since I’m asking you to expand the works of my hands Lord, will You show me anything that displeases you or distresses you when it comes to selfishness, generosity, and sharing?
• Since I’m asking you to bless me and make me a blessing, will You show me where you want me to use what I have NOW to bless those who are around me right now?
• Since I’m longing for expansion in my career, will You teach me how to hear Your voice and follow Your leading so I can be a blessing to ALL the peoples of the earth?
Pray: For a God-sized expansion of God’s power and ability in your career with these words … “Compassionate Lord, I know that Your heart is to give. You have been so generous to me. Now, I am pleading with You to expand the works of my hands SO THAT I can be a blessing to my family, friends, coworkers, and anyone You prompt me to care for. My deepest desire is to expand Your goodness into more and more lives for my King Jesus! For Your glory in my story in 2020: Our Year of Expansion!”
Be Specific: Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for. as it pertains to your career, ESPECIALLY asking God to answer the three questions above!
A Year of Expansion!
This week is all about seeing God as able to do MORE THAN ENOUGH in our lives! PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!
More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week TWO of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!