“Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two men as spies from the Acacia Grove, saying, “Go and scout the land, especially Jericho.” So they left, and they came to the house of a prostitute named Rahab, and stayed there.” (Joshua 2:1, CSB)
Faith Doesn’t Disclose It’s Methods!
In these days of social media – where it seems almost EVERYONE is trying to impress EVERYONE – there seems to be no personal privacy anymore. We self-disclose our lives constantly and we no longer need to worry about the Government monitoring us – we do it for them!
Joshua knew that such a strategy – especially in times of conquest – were fatal. And, may we say, it is the same today. We don’t have to be our own monitoring and broadcasting agency for the world.
Quite frankly, there are people around you who don’t want you to succeed. Joshua knew that. And today, as you take TWO minutes to hear this uplifting and encouraging message, we pray you as well will find help and hope in your times of need.
Just push the PLAY button below and enjoy this latest message!
BOGO in August! 
Entering Death’s Shadow Valley, Doc’s book on grief, will be featured as a “Buy One Get One Free!” in the month of August!
Simply message Doc at: BooksByDoc[at]gmail.com (replacing [at] with @) and let him know how many books you want.
BOGO is: $12 for TWO + $5.00 shipping and handling. NO limit on the number of orders.
BOGO for Entering Death’s Shadow Valley lasts August ALL month! Start thinking of the people you want to GIFT the book to … perhaps even for Christmas!