Faith Revels In God’s Supremacy!
“We are the servants of the God of the heavens and earth, and we are rebuilding the temple that was built many years ago, which a great king of Israel built and finished.” (Ezra 5:11, CSB)
Who we look at determines our attitude and our success! It is so easy to get our eyes focused on our oppressors instead of keeping them focused on the God who created the universe!
Yet, when we get our focus straight, everything begins to fall into place. We know what’s right and we know what we have to do. And that motivation is our response to our enemies!
So today, if you are in need of cleaning your glasses so to speak, give us TWO minutes and allow us to remind you of the supernatural power of your God!
Just push the PLAY button below and enjoy this latest message!
BOGO in August! 
Entering Death’s Shadow Valley, Doc’s book on grief, will be featured as a “Buy One Get One Free!” in the month of August!
Simply message Doc at: BooksByDoc[at] (replacing [at] with @) and let him know how many books you want.
BOGO is: $12 for TWO + $5.00 shipping and handling. NO limit on the number of orders.
BOGO for Entering Death’s Shadow Valley lasts August ALL month! Start thinking of the people you want to GIFT the book to … perhaps even for Christmas!