Christmas reminds us that God visits the willingly obedient (Luke 1:38)
This Christmas, remember, many will say, “Happy Holidays!” instead of “Merry Christmas!”
Don’t be upset at them … they are just professing that the Jesus Christ of Christmas hasn’t come to them yet!
Love them, pray for them and share that devotion, that faith, that favor you know in the God who does the impossible and visits the obedient with them.
Who knows, perhaps THIS will be the year Christmas will change everything for them as well!
Father in Heaven,
Thank you for sending your son to be our Savior, but not ours alone, but for everyone who will accept your love and leadership through your Son, Jesus!
Thank you for reminding us that you are real, that you love our devotion and reward our faith!
Thank you for reminding us that you favor the sexually pure, by accomplishing the seemingly impossible in their lives by visiting them because they are willingly obedient to follow your will and word.
For the glory of your story in our daily lives, Amen