21 Days To Be Fearless Prayer Themes!
Over the next 21 days we will focus our prayers on being fearless in 2024! Our family, friends, and even our foes are in danger of an eternity in the Lake of Fire, all because they choose to live for themselves instead of Him who loves them and died for them (2 Corinthians 5.15).
As we pray, we want to focus on the theme of the day all day long. Maybe take this sheet with you everywhere you go and use it each day to remind yourself of your prayer target. Also, pray for that area of breakthrough that God needs to do for you in order to take you to the next level of spiritual success in accomplishing all God has intended.
Week One: Fearless Enough to Share Jesus’ Forgiveness With My Family
This week we want to target our family, our loved ones! All day long simply ask God to make your prayer a reality in 2024 among your family members.
January 2 – That I will be Fearless Enough to realize my lost family will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire if they don’t Surrender to Jesus as King of their lives.
January 3 – That I will be Fearless Enough to pray that my lost family will Surrender to Jesus as King of their lives so that they will NOT spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.
January 4 – That I will be Fearless Enough to talk about the benefits of my surrender to Jesus as King of my life with them and the peace of mind I have knowing I will live forever in Paradise with Jesus.
January 5 – That I will be Fearless Enough to talk about my love for them and how it has grown since my surrender to Jesus as King of my life.
January 6 – That I will be Fearless Enough to be positive and encouraging about the love Jesus has for us all and share with them how He has recently shown me that love.
January 7 – That I will be Fearless Enough to ask them where they are in relationship with Jesus and how I can pray for that relationship to increase since He will declare us forgiven, give a purpose for living and a home in Heaven – which I want them to enjoy also.
January 8 – That I will be Fearless Enough to ask them to surrender to Jesus as King so they can be forgiven also, begiven a purpose for living and a home in Heaven.
* Of course, we will pray for these throughout the year as well as just this week.