Fearless Faith 2024!

“I’ve commanded you to be strong and brave. Do not ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
- We live in dark times and YOU are the light of the world.

A darkness has come upon the world.
It is an ancient darkness and yet new in its manifesting. It is permeating our media, our entertainments, our marketplaces, our schools, our corporations, our public squares, our governments, our culture, and our lives. It is setting in motion the transformation of our society, the overturning of ancient foundations, and the destruction of age-old standards of morality, values, perception, and faith.
It is an unrelenting darkness, one that seeks not only to exist and grow but to exercise total dominion, to force all it touches into submission, to subjugate language, to alter perception, and to bend reality into its image.
It is a darkness that requires every tongue to confess its name and every knee to bow down in its honor. As for those who would defy or resist its conquest, it seeks to assimilate and transform them or else destroy them, even to destroy their will to resist. It is a totalitarian darkness. It cannot rest until all lights are extinguished! – Jonathan Cahn, Josiah Manifesto,
How the Darkness Works on People Of Faith
“Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
- There it is: Our responsibility … “Make your light shine!”
- But the devil is on a rampage right now and the only thing that holds him back is … YOU!
- The devil is subtle; He deceives us. He always has, but now its like He is on steroids!
But God Counters What the Devil Sells Us
“Later the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision, “Abram, DO NOT BE AFRAID! I will protect you and reward you greatly.” (Genesis 15:1)
- You see, the Devil whispers the following into the ears of the faithful …
- Things look bleak in so many ways!
- You are getting older! (Abe is 75 here)
- God hasn’t answered you! (sons)
- You’ll die without God’s promises answered! (Genesis 12.1-3)
But God Is Speaking to You Today!
“Later the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision, “Abram, DO NOT BE AFRAID! I will protect you and reward you greatly.” (Genesis 15:1)
Fear’s Grip Holds Us Tight When
- We feel fragile and weak!
To the olders: Do you ever feel like, “Was it all worth it?” Abram did! He’d moved away from all He had know, trusted God when all Abram had was faith, and true – he’d gained much wealth and honor. BUT, as he aged, he hadn’t gotten the promises God had given him decades before!
- We feel God has forgotten us!
To all of us: You know what it’s like to go to bed again and realize you’re still single; you don’t have the income you need; another loved one has passed,; life is getting harder!
What Did God Tell Abraham?
“Later the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision, “Abram, DO NOT BE AFRAID!” (Genesis 15:1)
It’s a COMMAND! We have to choose our emotions. And what is God’s command when all of life is falling apart all around us and we wonder if God has forgotten us?
- Do Not Be afraid!
Why? How?
What Did God Promise
“Later the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision, “Abram, DO NOT BE AFRAID!
(1) I will protect you and (2) reward you greatly.” (Genesis 15:1)
- I will protect you!
Satan’s greatest lie today is the devil can’t protect us … as the darkness seeks to exercise total dominion, to force all it touches into submission, to subjugate language, to alter perception, and to bend reality into its image … The devil declares God is unable or unwilling to protect you!
But the reality is, God is ABLE! God is WILLING! He is unfolding the plan we have written down in His OWN Words … the Last Days have become THESE DAYS! He is on His Schedule!
But God is still God! He is Almighty! He is the Creator! He is All Powerful! And what is His promise to those of us who are Abraham’s children by faith in King Jesus?
- I will reward you greatly!
For Abram, it was a child! For you, it is the promised answer!
Now hear me: Abram didn’t get his answer for ANOTHER 14 years after this reassurance! Why?
God is on His own calendar!
And the best time for your answer is when it will arrive!
What Did Abraham Have To Do?
- He had to keep trusting!
Trusting involves relationship! Do you have a close relationship with God?
Whether you made a commitment to Jesus in the past or not, 2024 is a great time to cement and secure a close relationship with God … especially as things grow darker and as the world grows scarier!
How’s Your Trust of God Right Now?
- I trust Kate with everything! Why? Because we know each other – deeply, intimately, personally. And I know she is my partner who always has my best in mind with her every word and action!
- That is how we trust God! We get to know each other – deeply, intimately, personally.
- Do you know God like that?
- Is it time to come nearer to God? If so, perhaps you are ready to make that life change?
“Come near to God, and he will come near to you.” (James 4:8, CEV)
- Make the first step … come near to God today!
- Whether you made a commitment to Jesus in the past or not, you could tell to God your commitment today.
- I often tell Kate of my commitment to her. It’s not because I am unsure of it – or think she is unsure of my commitment to her. I simply tell her again because it is TRUE! In fact, it’s MORE true now that when I married her!
- For all of us whether we have made a commitment to follow Jesus as the King of our lives, or we who would like to make that commitment today for the first time – at the beginning of 2024 – let’s just say this OUT LOUD to Jesus right now >>
Dear God,
I know that I am not worthy to be accepted by You.
I don’t deserve Your gift of eternal life.
I am guilty of rebelling against You and ignoring You.
I’m sorry, and
I need Your forgiveness.
Thank you for sending Your Son to die for me so that I may be forgiven.
Thank you that He rose from the dead to give me new life.
Please forgive me and
Change me,
so that I may live with Jesus as my Ruler. Amen
- If you just said that to Jesus, congratulations! Welcome to the Family of God!