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Category Archives: Transformed
Transformed Episode #232: Christmas Fills Us With Hope!
The future – what are you hoping for? What do you hold onto as you walk through your every day life? Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Welcome to the Transformed Podcast. People turn toward hope as naturally as plants … Continue reading
Posted in Christmas, Transformed
Tagged Bible, Christmas, condemn, condemnation, depression, disocuragement, Gentiles, gratitutde, grieve, grieving, hope, hopelessness, israelis, Jesus, Jews, joy, patience, peace, purification, redemption, revelation, salvation, save, social isolation, Word of God, Yahweh
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Transformed Episode #231: Christmas Provides Us With Joy!
Have you noticed how many people are running on “empty” these days? You can see it in their eyes. You can hear it in their voices. Sad, sorrow-filled lives stuck in meaningless endeavors as they watch the weeks and … Continue reading
Posted in Christmas, Transformed
Tagged almighty God, angel, angelic host, Bethlehem, Bible, Caesar, Caesar Augustus, Christmas, focus, Glory to God, God, Israel, Israeli, Jesus is LordYahweh, Joseph, joy, King, lead, Leadership, Lord, manger, Mary, Messiah, New Testament, Peace on Earth, Pilate, proclaim, rescue, rescuer, save, Savior, Virgin
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Transformed Episode #230: Christmas Overrides Our Politicians!
Who’s in charge, really? Is it Washington, Moscow or Tehran? For thousands of years governments have functioned under the illusion that they are the authority on earth … the greater the country, the greater the power. Welcome to the … Continue reading
Posted in Christmas, Transformed
Tagged Almighty, Augustus, Bethlehem, Caesar, Christian, Christmas, confusion, darkness, Democrat, Elizabeth, Ephrathah, God, God's plans, helpless, hope, Imperial Rome, incense, light, Lord, Mary, mercy, mission, politicians, politics, Republican, rescue, salvation, wisdom, Zachariah
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Transformed Episode #229: Christmas Sets Our Agendas
Agendas – we all have them and, if we are bluntly honest, we all work from our own most of the time. But when Jesus comes into our lives, He changes our focus; He breathes life into our schedules! … Continue reading
Posted in Christmas, Transformed
Tagged agenda, Christmas, devotion, disappointment, faith, favor, favored, God, heaven, Holy Spirit, Impossible, Jerusalem, king of kings, lifestyle, lot, Nazareth, salvation, selfishness, Virgin Mary, Word of God
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Studying James 3:5
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, action, ambition, belief, believe, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, church, community, curse, dishonor, disorder, fail, faith, faithless, false, fire, forest, gentleness, good conduct, heart, hell, horses, jealousy, life, mature, maturity, mean, meekness, mercy, obedience, obey, path, peace, practice, Rahab, righteous, righteousness, sincere, strife, swear, tame, teacher, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, vile, wisdom, words, works
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Transformed Episode #228: Persist – When My Faith is Rewarded
Why doesn’t God answer us quickly? Isn’t He the one who told us to, “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full”? (John 16:24, ESV) Well, what’s wrong then? We’ve been asking and nothing’s been happening. Welcome … Continue reading
Posted in faith, Transformed
Tagged assurance, concern, confidence, courage, cry out to Jesus, doubt, faith, faithlessness, favor, fear, give up, God, God's love, hope, humility, immaturity, joy, justice, love of God, persist, persistence, pray, quit, quitting, testing of faith, victory, widow, worry
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Studying James 3:4
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, action, ambition, belief, believe, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, church, community, curse, dishonor, disorder, fail, faith, faithless, false, fire, forest, gentleness, good conduct, heart, hell, horses, jealousy, life, mature, maturity, mean, meekness, mercy, obedience, obey, path, peace, practice, Rahab, righteous, righteousness, sincere, strife, swear, tame, teacher, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, vile, wisdom, words, works
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Transformed Episode #227: Forgive – When My Faith Must Grow
Welcome back to the Transformed Podcast. Forgiveness can be one of the hardest actions in life. We sincerely know and believe the other person does not deserve the gift of forgiveness. And then, when we extend such mercy and grace, … Continue reading
Posted in faith, Transformed
Tagged allegiance, anger, cross, duty, faith, forgive, forgiving, grow, growth, humility, Jesus, Leadership, lifestyle, Master, mustard seed, obey, offense, overcomer, overcoming, penalty, pray, rebuke, redemption, repent, resentment, responsibility, servant, sin, Son of God, submission, substitution, tempt, temptation, tempter, Trust, trust and obey, unforgiveness, worship
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Studying James 3:3
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers Christian … Continue reading
Posted in christian life, Deeper Walk With God, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, action, ambition, belief, believe, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, church, community, curse, dishonor, disorder, fail, faith, faithless, false, fire, forest, gentleness, good conduct, heart, hell, horses, jealousy, life, mature, maturity, mean, meekness, mercy, obedience, obey, path, peace, practice, Rahab, righteous, righteousness, sincere, strife, swear, tame, teacher, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, vile, words, works
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Transformed Episode #226: Fear – When My Faith is Small
Fear is the greatest weapon to those who would stand up against truth and justice. Welcome to a new series of the Transformed Podcast. Today we begin to talk about, “Overcoming Faith!” Perhaps you love these words from the old … Continue reading
Posted in faith, Transformed
Tagged accusation, application, Bible, Bible Reading Schedule, chosen, courage, disciple, Emmanuel, faith, fallen, fear, Jesus, panic, rebuke, Son of God, spiritual, storm, sustitute, urgency, Word of God
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