Sharing isn’t always a good idea, especially when God is talking to us!You see, God doesn’t speak to everybody the same way. And some people, well … God doesn’t speak to it all except through His Word – the Bible. And if we share in public what God has told us in private with those whom God has not spoken to lately, we will probably get some pushback.
Hi there, I’m Dr. Matthew Lee Smith and I want to share some Hope For Todaywith you about the fact thatwhat God has revealed to you may bring you trouble if and when you share it! (His Foreknowledge)
Check it out and listen by clicking the link below. Hope For Today is a part of the ministry of Eagles In Leadership. If you would like to know more about the hope God gives and His abundant life through Jesus Christ, I would invite you to check out our website: EaglesInLeadership.org.
Just push the media button below to hear this encouraging message!
We are so excited about what God will do with us in 2020 – Our Year of Expansion! We want to include YOU in that EXPANSION!
So we began making plans for mission, ministry, and more!
And we want to include YOU in our EXPANSION plans for 2021!
• So, in 2021 Kate and I will be leading TWO TOURS throughout Israel! You have ALWAYS wanted to “walk where Jesus walked!” THIS is your opportunity! Just click the tab, “Israel Tours,” on the Eagles in leadership website for more details and a registration form.
• Perhaps you would love to see the pages of your New Testament EXPLODE in front of you! We are thrilled to tell you have we are leading the Steps of Paul and the Glories of Greece tour in November of 2021! Just click the tab, Steps of Paul and the Glories of Greece, on the Eagles in leadership website for more details and a registration form.
• Now, everything is included in ALL THREE OF THESE TOURS with the exception of a few clearly indicated items. If would like to go to Israel or Greece in 2021 and see your Bible come alive, take a moment, go to our website – EaglesInLeadership.org – explore the tours and message us about the Israel or Greece tours!
Now, as we close, I wanted to remind you that …
Hope For Today is a part of the global ministry of Eagles In Leadership. If you would like to know more about the hope God gives and His abundant life through Jesus Christ, I would invite you to check out our website: EaglesInLeadership.org; that’s EaglesInLeadership.org.
And please, leave us a comment about this message!
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