It’s Good Friday, 2020!
For most of us, we are in lockdown – quarantined from family and friends … and our Church families. Some have found the quarantine difficult and depressing. But for us, Children of God, we have found the time to be refreshing! We have had …
- Time for Bible reading our Bibles out loud and hearing the words of our Father each day!

- Time for prayer and listening as the Spirit of God witnesses afresh with our spirit that we really ARE the sons of God!
- Time for confession of selfishness, sin, and our playing games with the devil and his devices!
- Time for contemplation and planning to see that all we read and the things the Spirit of Holiness tells us are not lost or wasted!
- Time to be “doers of the Word and not hearers only” so that we can escape the deception that has overtaken us in the past!
- Time to love our spouses and renew the honeymoon in our marriages that reflect the love King Jesus has for His Church and the respect the Church has for their King Jesus!
- Time to enjoy our families and train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord so that they SEE the life of God in us and FEEL the love of God from us and IMITATE those attitudes and actions for life!
- Time to hope afresh in the power of God and abandon the feebleness of our seeming “control” over life and its surprises!
- Time to be human again and step away from the insane race for things that cannot satisfy and will be left behind when we step into our eternal residence!
- Time to laugh again, talk again, connect again, and become human again having escaped the worldliness of running, working, doing, and shopping!
- Time to rest … oh that blessed gift of God we are supposed to take EVERY week … now imposed by God to remind us we were not ok and we needed to recover from the madness of a life lived for self instead of the Savior.
Good Friday long ago was a brutal day … a day of despair … a day of endings … much like the last weeks have been for many of us, but we have not suffered nearly as much as they and our King did that day long ago!
Good Friday was a day of death … death to hopes and dreams … death to life and joy … NOTHING would ever be the same again! Much like today … our plans and aspirations have evaporated … our routine and regularity have ended … NOTHING will ever be the same again!
But remember, THREE DAYS LATER our King rose triumphant from the Grave! Death was banished
and Life was victorious! Life … amazing, abundant, eternal Life is now ours for the acceptance. And the cost … ALL of us! Total. Surrender. To. King. Jesus.
And with that SURRENDER we have a glorious purpose, wonderful meaning, incredible direction, and never-ending hope!
Rejoice in this Good Friday! Rejoice in this death of Death! Rejoice for our King has substituted His life to pay our penalty once and for all for every rebellion, every sin, every transgression, every trespass, every arrogance, everything that separates us from His Love and Leadership!
So today, SURRENDER afresh. We quote His words from the bottom of our souls, “Not MY will but YOURS be done!” You are MY King, there is NO other, not even – and especially not – ME!
Happy Good Friday! Resurrection is coming! Hope is coming! The Empty Grave is coming! Life is coming! Abundance is coming! NOTHING will be as it was! Everything will be NEW!
Hallelujah for the King on the Cross!
Hallelujah for the Lamb of God that takes away MY sin and yours!
Hallelujah for the Hope of Easter on this Day of Death!
Resurrection is right around the corner!

Look up! Our King is coming!