21 Days! January 21 – Our Faith in Action Over Our Social Lives!

Week 3: A Week of Faith in Action! 

January 21

Our Faith in Action Over Our Social Lives!

We Are Acting On What God Says!


Read: Matthew 25:31-46

Believe: God’s heart always watches our heart in action. How we treat others who cannot help us reveals to God, and everyone else, how real our love for Him is. If 2020 is to be Our Year of Expansion we will need to choose to care for people’s needs as we come upon them. In other words, 2020 will be Our Year of Expansion WHEN we care for people more than we care about how someone will make us look or how they will bring advantage to us.

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

  • How can I be more sensitive to seeing the needs of people around me as I walk through my day, Lord Jesus?
  • How can I choose to be more compassionate and generous with the needy around me throughout my day, King Jesus?
  • Why can’t I see that my lack of compassion is really a statement about my selfishness and my lack of closeness to you, Father God?

Pray: My king and my Lord, I want to follow Your example. It is my deep desire to make sure that my social lifestyle reflects how You walked on Earth. So help me, Lord Jesus, to have compassion for those in need all around me. Help me to feed, clothe, and care for those that You have brought near me this year. I understand that when my heart breaks for the people to whom Your heart breaks, You will expand my life in ways I have not yet even begun to imagine! I pray all of this for Your global glory Lord, and the fame of King Jesus’ name, amen.

Be specific: Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for, and especially asking God to answer the three questions above!


A Year of Expansion!

This final week is all about seeing that we are willing to do what it takes to live by faith in our entire lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week three of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

Please take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by faith and trust God for greater expansion in our lives!

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21 Days! January 20 – Our Faith in Action Over Our Financial Lives!

January 20

Our Faith in Action Over Our Financial Lives!

We Are Acting On What God Says!

Read: Proverbs 6:6-11

Believe: God wants you to prosper. God’s method for prosperity is diligenceon our part. As we work hard, God blesses our work and causes us to harvest abundance. In order to make 2020 Our Year of Expansion, we will need to be diligent in our work ethic and use the resources God gives us wisely.

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

  • What do I need to do to be wise in 2020 so that I reject the spirit of laziness and work diligently so that You can bless me financially?
  • How can I spend less, save more, and use the resources You have given me in such away so that they multiply in my year of expansion?
  • What do I need to do to stop and start working more seriously in such a way that brings financial blessing to my family and me in 2020?

Pray: Lord Jesus, I believe that You want to bless me financially in 2020. I understand that my responsibility is to work wisely and diligently. You will increase the bounty in my hands as I use the resources of time and energy to work in such away as to gain financial increase. Keep me away from wasting my money. Give me strength to save the money that You blessed me with. Multiply the money that I put in savings. As I store away money in 2020, I know it will be My Year of Expansion financially! For the global glory of God and the fame of King Jesus name, amen.

Be specific: Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for, and especially asking God to answer the three questions above!


A Year of Expansion!

This final week is all about seeing that we are willing to do what it takes to live by faith in our entire lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week three of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

Please take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by faith and trust God for greater expansion in our lives!

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21 Days! January 19th – Our Faith In Action Over Our Career Lives!


Week 3: A Week of Faith in Action!

January 19th

Our Faith In Action Over Our Career Lives!

We’re Acting on What God Says!

Read: Proverbs 24:30-34

Believe: Expansion is possible when God blesses the WORK of our hands Repeatedly we are told to work hard, diligently, and with all our might. In 2020: Our Year of Expansion, God will bless those who choose NOT to be lazy but who choose to reflect the reality that God is our boss and we work at the pleasure of our Master, King Jesus!

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

• Lord, how can I work more diligently so as to enjoy Your harvest of expansion in my career this year?
• Father, how can I rest less and labor more abundantly in 2020 so that the blessing of Your hand makes me more prosperous?
• King Jesus, I know that the remedy for poverty and scarcity is laziness, so will You show me where I am lazy and give me the courage to remove those ways from my life so that 2020 can be My Year of Expansion?

Pray: King Jesus, thank you for reminding me that my laziness decreases my life and my diligence increases my abundance. Help me to stop making excuses and start making results. I want 2020 to be My Year of Expansion! Thank you for waking me up today to the reality of Your will and Your prosperity. For the strong and mighty name of King Jesus. Amen.”

Be Specific: Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for, ESPECIALLY asking God to answer the three questions above!

A Year of Expansion!

This week is all about seeing that we are willing to do WHAT IT TAKES to live by faith in our ENTIRE lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue WEEK THREE of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!

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Scripture: What Happens When We Abandon God?

5 Clear Scriptures Concerning Abandoning God

Reviewing the Word of God from Cover-to-Cover Recently We Discovered the Following

  • When Judah defiled God’s land and made His heritage an abomination, when their priests ignored the Lord and their theologians didn’t know Him, when their kings transgressed God’s commands and their prophets prophesied by false gods, it brought about their nation’s destruction through their abandonment of Yahweh (Jeremiah 2:7-8, MEV)
  • When Judah abandoned Yahweh by changing their gods and changing their glory (God), their nation became desolate, destroyed, and captive (Jeremiah 2:9-12, MEV)
  • Because the nation Judah abandoned Yahweh their King Ahaz was given into hands of Arameans (2 Chronicles 28:1-5, MEV)
  • Those who abandon Yahweh will live a cursed, desolate life much like a bush in a desert (Jeremiah 17:5-6, MEV)
  • Because he abandoned Yahweh, within two years Yahweh sent invasion upon King Rehoboam (2 Chronicles 12:1-5, MEV)

It is clear from these few scriptures that to abandon God can lead to serious consequences. Let us continue to serve and love God with all of our hearts! He truly benefits us with amazing goodness, as Psalm 1 tells us!

You can join us for 21 Days! A time of prayer and fasting for 2020: Our Year of Expansion! It will help you stay close to God!

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21 Days! Week 3, January 18th – Our Faith In Action Over Our Family Lives!

Week 3: A Week of Faith in Action!

January 18th

Our Faith In Action Over Our Family Lives!

We’re Acting on What God Says!

Read: Matthew 12:46-50; Luke 2:51-52; 3 John 1:3-4

Believe: Love is spelled O-B-E-Y and is seen in our SACRIFICE for others, just as King Jesus died for us because He loved us. Walking in the truth of God (as we discover it from His words in the Bible) is what God looks for before He expands our family! (Remember, God blesses His Will which is discovered in His Words! So, no matter what else in 2020, let us choose to walk in the Truth of God as expressed in the pages of His Words for Our Year of Expansion!)

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

• Will You encourage me to DO YOUR DESIRE EVERY DAY as reflected through Your Words in the Bible, regardless of what the latest teaching is or what the deepest desire of my flesh is right now – in other words, will You encourage me be FAITHFUL in my family to You and Your Words in the Bible?
• Since I long to be the child that You listen to and respond quickly to, please show me how I can OBEY You more completely when it comes to my family life – how can I IMITATE You, King Jesus, as I serve my family?
• Will You show me how to remain faithful to Your will and Your desires by applying the things I am reading in my Bible to my family life … being sacrificially selfless instead of self-centeredly selfish?

Pray: Lord, I know that if I cannot demonstrate love inside my family as a result of my heart, I will never be able to expand your Kingdom OUTSIDE my family. So, today I ask You to forgive my selfishness and lack of sacrifice inside my home to the members of my family. I ask you to cleanse me of wrong attitudes and focus me on right actions. I want 2020 to be My Year of Expansion! So I know I will need to demonstrate true love inside my home FIRST and learn how to love more than be selfish. Give me the courage to do this. I love You so much, King Jesus. Amen.”

Be Specific: Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for, ESPECIALLY asking God to answer the three questions above!

A Year of Expansion!

This week is all about seeing that we are willing to do WHAT IT TAKES to live by faith in our ENTIRE lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue WEEK THREE of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!

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21 Days! Week 3 … January 17th – Our Faith In Action Over Our Physical Lives!

Week 3: A Week of Faith in Action!

January 17th

Our Faith In Action Over Our Physical Lives!

We’re Acting on What God Says!

Read: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33 – 11:1

Believe: Our physical health matters greatly to our spiritual expansion this year, for we cannot expand God’s Kingdom when we’re sick and weak! (Remember, gluttony is a lack of self-control and self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. We much choose to walk in health if we are to have the energy and strength to accomplish ALL God has for us in Our year of Expansion!)

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

• Will You show me, Lord, what are the things I need to remove that don’t build up my physical health and strength so I can enjoy ALL You plan for me in my year of expansion?
• Will You cause me to realize what I eat is a LIVING TESTIMONY to those who are without Christ and so I need to be sensitive to how I choose to eat and maintain my health so I can enjoy ALL You plan for me in my year of expansion?
• Will You show me how to eat and maintain my health for the GLORY OF GOD so I can enjoy ALL You plan for me in my year of expansion?

Pray: It is my deepest prayer that I can enjoy ALL that You have planned for me in 2020, King Jesus! So I am asking you to EXPAND my physical life as I choose to live and eat in a healthy, more godly manner, realizing that my physical appearance and health will directly affect how You bless me in 2020, My Year of Expansion!”

Be Specific. Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for, ESPECIALLY asking God to answer the three questions above!

A Year of Expansion!

This week is all about seeing that we are willing to do WHAT IT TAKES to live by faith in our ENTIRE lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week THREE of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!

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21 Days – Week 3! January 16th – We’re Acting on What God Says!

Week 3: A Week of Faith in Action!

January 16th
Our Faith In Action Over Our Spiritual Lives!

We’re Acting on What God Says!

Read: Hebrews 11:1-6

Believe: For God to expand our lives, we will have to ACT on the things that He says with confident assurance that He means what He says! (Remember, DOUBT is simply the ABSENCE of our confidence and assurance that God cares and will act on our behalf! So, we must TRUST God today enough to ACT on the hope you have and the unseen things,)

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

• Will You show me, Lord, how to have more confidence in what I am hoping for from You and how to have more assurance that You mean what You say in the pages of Your Words, the Bible so I will act FASTER in obedience?
• Will You cause me to SEE everything in front of me as Your creation OUT OF NOTHING so that I will trust You to SPEAK A WORD for the things I am praying for and make them VISIBLE in my life?
• Will You show me how to step out BY FAITH and DO the things I read in Your Words so that I will PLEASE You and thus, receive the REWARDS of believing that You exist and reward those of us who seek You passionately?

Pray: For a God-sized expansion of my thinking I will need to pray like this … “Lord, I am tired of small prayers and small answers! I long for BIGGER things to happen in me, in my family, in my community! So I am asking you to EXPAND my spiritual life to the point where I WILL ACT QUICKLY AND COMPLETELY on the things I read in Your Words, the BIble so that 2020 will become My Year of Expansion!”

Be Specific: Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for. as it pertains to your thinking and application of those thoughts, ESPECIALLY asking God to answer the three questions above!

A Year of Expansion!

This week is all about seeing that God is able to do MORE THAN ENOUGH in our ENTIRE lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week THREE of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week THREE of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!
PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!
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21 Days! January 15th – We’re Asking God to Renew Our Minds!

January 15th

The Expansion of Our Intellectual Lives

We’re Asking God to Renew Our Minds!

Read: Romans 12:1-21

Believe: In order to expand our lives, our thoughts must become God-sized! (Choosing to think like our King Jesus means we look at everything with His eyes, with His understandings, and His priorities!)

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

• Since I’m asking You to expand my thinking to make it God-sized, what do I need to do, to remove or to add, in order to invest more time into being alone with Your Words and applying them to every aspect of my life, according to my reading today?
• Since I’m asking You to expand my thinking to make it God-sized, what do I need to do to humble myself and serve others, just as my King Jesus did when He came to earth to give His life for me, according to my reading today?
• Since I’m asking You to expand my thinking to make it God-sized, what do I need to do in order to actually make my love for others God-sized, according to my reading today?

Pray: For a God-sized expansion of my thinking I will need to pray like this … “Lord, I am a small thinker. I refuse times alone in Your words. I waste time in useless pursuits. Forgive me. Correct me. Convince me that only YOUR WORDS will transform my mind and change my life. I need your thoughts flowing through my heart and actions in I want You to expand my life for Your glory in my story in 2020: Our Year of Expansion!”

Be Specific. Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for. as it pertains to your thinking and application of those thoughts, ESPECIALLY asking God to answer the three questions above.

A Year of Expansion!

This week is all about seeing that God is able to do MORE THAN ENOUGH in our lives! PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week TWO of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

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21 Days! January 14th – We’re Asking God to Open Hearts All Around Us!

January 14th

The Expansion of Our Social Lives

We’re Asking God to

Open Hearts All Around Us!

Read: 1 John 2:7-11

Believe: As we expand our relationships, the love of King Jesus is able to bring about transformation, and thus, causing our network to grow and strengthen for the Kingdom of Jesus! (Our social network is all about expanding the reign of King Jesus to the farthest parts of the world!)

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

• Since I’m asking You to expand my social relationships Lord, so that I may expand Your Kingdom, to whom can I share Your love with today so that they will seek to live with You and for You?
• Since I’m asking You to expand my social relationships Lord, so that I may expand Your Kingdom, is there anyone whom I am distanced from (I want to make things right if at all possible)?
• Since I’m asking You to expand my social relationships Lord, so that I may expand Your Kingdom, is there any attitude or selfishness that is keeping me from restoring relationships in my life?

Pray: For a God-sized expansion of God’s power and ability over your social relationships with these words … “Cause love to be my DNA, Lord. Make me a love of people to the point that they are drawn to me. Then I will be able to lead them to You! My deepest desire is to expand Your love into more and more lives for my King Jesus! As my friends increase, I will able to love them with Your love and lead them to Jesus for Your glory in my story in 2020: Our Year of Expansion!”

Be Specific: Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for. as it pertains to your social relationships, ESPECIALLY asking God to answer the three questions above!

A Year of Expansion!

This week is all about seeing that God is able to do MORE THAN ENOUGH in our lives! PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week TWO of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

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21 Days: January 13th – We’re Asking God to Give Us More Than Enough!

January 13th

The Expansion of Our Finances

We’re Asking God to Give Us

More Than Enough!

Read: 2 Corinthians 9:1-15, especially verse 8 …

“God has the power to provide you with MORE THAN ENOUGH of every kind of grace. That way, you will have everything you need always and in everything to provide MORE THAN ENOUGH for every kind of good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8, CEB)

Believe: As we give to others in their times of need, God promises to provide us with “more than enough.” (God longs to bless His generous children, especially when they IMITATE His character and compassion!)

Ask: So, ask God these three questions and listen throughout your day for His responses:

• Since I’m asking You to expand my finances so that I may expand Your Kingdom, Lord Jesus, will You show me where I’ve been prompted by Your Spirit to give to others (not my Church’s Budget) already but have failed to do so so I can give that money and fulfill Your Will?
• Since I’m asking You to expand my finances so that I may expand Your Kingdom, Lord Jesus, will You show me where I need to increase my generosity and end my selfishness when it comes to giving financially to others (not my Church’s Budget)?
• Since I’m asking You to expand my finances so that I may expand Your Kingdom, Lord Jesus, will You show me how to trust Your MORE THAN ENOUGH response to my generosity to others (not my Church’s Budget)?

Pray: For a God-sized expansion of God’s power and ability over your finances with these words … “You are the Lord my God who can give me the ability to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8.18). So I cry out to You, God of wealth-building power, EXPAND my finances, show me how to build wealth – not for personal greed but to meet both my needs and the needs of others. My deepest desire is to expand Your goodness into more and more lives for my King Jesus! Increasing my income will allow me to increase my generosity in giving! For Your glory in my story in 2020: Our Year of Expansion!”

Be Specific: Now, pour out your heart to God for the things you are praying and fasting for. as it pertains to your finances, ESPECIALLY asking God to answer the three questions above!

A Year of Expansion!

This week is all about seeing God as able to do MORE THAN ENOUGH in our lives! PLEASE take the time to share your experiences below as we step out by FAITH and trust God for greater EXPANSION in our lives!

More coming tomorrow! Stay alert for our next post as we continue week TWO of 2020: Our Year of Expansion!

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