Day 8, Audacious Faith TRUSTS GOD for the Impossible!

Have you been trying to have children and no matter what you do you don’t succeed?

Today we are in Romans 4.17-21.

Abraham and Sarah were in just the same position. Both were past their prime in having children; Abraham was in ED and infertile and Sarah was post-menopausal, yet they were still trusting God for their promise child!

God makes BOLD claims and then allows us to be in IMPOSSIBLE situations JUST SO He can shine forth with His power and remind us that “Nothing is impossible for God.”” (Luke 1:37, CEB) That Luke verse is speaking of a VIRGIN birth!

As we pray for the IMPOSSIBLE during these 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, OUR impossible is EASY for our God! It just takes faith WITHOUT DOUBT as we have already learned.
So, instead of preparing, eating, and cleaning up the meals you have chosen to fast from, get emotional, get serious, get passionate about the need you have and plead for the answer you need!

God is able! Say that phrase over and over today and tell God, “You are able!”

Today, pray and fast TRUSTING GOD IS ABLE to do what no man can do today as you to get to our Messiah King Jesus!
And please, do not forget to share this post with others as a way to encourage and strengthen their faith and your witness!
See you tomorrow!
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Day 7, Audacious Faith ACTS for Impossible!

When you haven’t received ANY help medically speaking from the numerous doctors you have seen, it’s surely WAY PAST time to DO something to get help from our Messiah King Jesus!

That’s what this unnamed woman with an incurable condition did when she joined the crowd following King Jesus. She had suffered (lit., “was in”) bleeding for 12 years (See Mark 5.42).

You see, when you NEED HELP NOW and you HAVEN’T RECEIVED HELP YET you need to DO SOMETHING to get to our Messiah King Jesus! Only HE can do what no man can do!

That’s why we are pleading and crying out to Him during these 21 days of prayer and fasting! We use the the time we would prepare, eat, and clean up our meals to PRAY, PLEAD, and CRY OUT to our Messiah King Jesus to give us access to our All-Mighty, All-Merciful Father. We need to “draw near to the throne of favor with confidence so that we can receive mercy and find grace when we need help.” (Hebrews 4:16, CEB)

Today, pray and fast with ACTION! Do something today to get to our Messiah King Jesus!

And please, do not forget to share this post with others as a way to encourage and strengthen their faith and your witness!

See you tomorrow!

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Day 6, Audacious Faith DOES the Impossible!


When we fast and pray we are exercising our faith. We are saying to God, “YOU are the only one who can do this! I am here because I believe that! Please answer my urgent need! Help me, I have come with boldness to cry out to you for this! Answer speedily!”

In such faith in our Messiah King Jesus there is power! We pray and fast today because we are looking for answers – powerful changes in our life – throughout 2022 and beyond!

Today we are in Matthew 21:18-22.

Notice what Jesus said AFTER He had cursed the fig tree and it immediately withered up and died …

“Jesus responded, “I assure you that if you have faith and don’t doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree. You will even say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the lake.’ And it will happen. If you have faith, you will receive whatever you pray for.”” (Matthew 21:21–22, CEB)

In prayer and fasting we devote MORE TIME to be alone with our Messiah King Jesus and draw boldly into the presence of God through that relationship. We seek the mercy of the Father as we pray. And, like Daniel of old, we gain favor and closeness to God as a result. Prayers are answers and the power of God is released in our lives as a result, as our Messiah King Jesus said!

That is when the power of God flows through us and things move at the declarations of our heart, as King Jesus said!

Today, as you pray and fast, draw close to our Father and come boldly for the mercy you and I so desperately need!

Please share below in the comments your thoughts about the supernatural power of God that accompanies those who are close to God the Father through our Messiah King Jesus!

And please, do not forget to share this post with others as a way to encourage and strengthen their faith and your witness!See you tomorrow!

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Day 5, Audacious Faith AGREES for Impossible!

Prayer and fasting is not only an individual relationship with God, it is also a time to agree with another or others for a matter. We see this in the New Testament among the people of God’s gatherings.

The principle is simple and stated in a different venue by our Messiah King Jesus. When speaking about conflict with another brother, Jesus gives clear details on how to bring it to resolution and then explains the principle and power behind banding together in prayer as the children of God:

“Again I assure you that if two of you agree on earth about ANYTHING YOU ASK, then my Father who is in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I’m there with them.”” (Matthew 18:19–20, CEB)

Therefore, we are wise to gather someone else alongside us as we pray and fast and ask them to agree with us about the desired answer.

Today, take a few minutes and listen to the encouragement through the link posted here. Then, gather someone – a believing spouse or parent for example – and pray and fast together for that urgent necessity that cannot wait any longer!

Next, please, share in the comments below your thoughts on this powerful principle of prayer and fasting!

And please, do not forget to share this post with others as a way to encourage and strengthen their faith and your ability to witness!

See you tomorrow!

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Day 4, Audacious Faith CLAMORS for Impossible!

Do you have a need that MUST be answered?

Audacious faith doesn’t take the silence of our Messiah King Jesus as an answer. It’s not disrespect, it is URGENCY and genuine NEED!

When Jesus visited a community outside of Israel, He remained on mission: To the lost sheep, the people of Israel!”

The mother in this story had a daughter suffering from demon possession. The ONLY solution was for the Son of Man to remove that infestation TODAY!

When Jesus ignored her … well, read it for yourself in Matthew 15. What an example of audacious faith!
What is YOUR URGENT need that can’t wait for an answer … the silence is not acceptable because your need is so pressing?
Write it down in the comments below and let’s pray and fast together for one another and for our own URGENT NEED today!
And please, share this post with a friend!
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Day 3, Audacious Faith WANTS the Impossible!

Has God challenged you to do something audacious in the New Year?

Perhaps you are in the midst of some huge, terrifying storm that has been battering the life out of you.

TODAY as we pray and fast, let us consider The Twelve in the boat, afraid for their lives. When they spot Jesus, Peter asks our Messiah King to let him walk on the water also and Jesus invites him. In all recorded history only two men ever walked on … water, Jesus and Peter.

Audacious faith wants the impossible!

Today, listen and then pray as you fast … seeking the impossible in your life this month, this year! God is able!

• Check it out in your Bible at Matthew 14.22-33

And please leave your comments below. Thanks!

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Day 2, Audacious Faith BELIEVES for Impossible!

Do you have GIANT obstacles to life?

Are you struggling with  insurmountable problems?

SUPERNATURAL help from our Messiah King Jesus is possible, once we step forward by faith and believe God is both willing and able!

As Jesus departed, two blind men followed him, crying out, “Show us mercy, Son of David.” When he came into the house, the blind men approached him. Jesus said to them, “Do you believe I can do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied. Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, “It will happen for you just as you have believed.” Their eyes were opened. Then Jesus sternly warned them, “Make sure nobody knows about this.” But they went out and spread the word about him throughout that whole region.” (Matthew 9:27–31, CEB)

As Jesus traveled on, He was followed by two blind men who appealed to Him on the basis of the fact that He is the Son of David (cf. 12:23; 15:22; 20:30–31).

This title clearly related Jesus to the messianic line (cf. 1:1). The persistence of the blind men was seen as they followed Jesus into a house where He miraculously restored their sight. Their faith was genuine for they truly believed He was able to heal them (9:28). They affirmed His deity for they acknowledged Him as Lord. Their sight was restored in keeping with their faith.


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Welcome to 21 Days of Audacious Faith, Day 1!


Jesus is looking for men and women of audacious faith!

In Matthew chapter 8, a Roman Centurion asked Jesus to come and heal his servant.
When Jesus said He would go and heal him, the Centurion and replied that would not be necessary. As a man who was used to giving orders, he understood the principle of authority. One with authority does not need to be present to accomplish a task. Orders may be carried out by others even at a distance.
Jesus marveled at the centurion’s great faith, for this was the kind of Faith He was vainly looking for in Israel.
In these 21 days of audacious faith we are going to reach out, reach up, pray and fast and ask Jesus to answer audacious prayers.
And Jesus’ response to the Centurion is the response that we want to hear in these 21 days and throughout 2020. “Go. It will be done for you just as you have believed!”
Join me again tomorrow as we continue praying and fasting with audacious faith. If you haven’t chosen a fasting plan yet, go to and click the tab, “21 Days of Fasting for 2022.”

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Hope For Today #230 – Faith Obeys Crazy Commands!

Photo of Mary holding baby Jesus with Joseph looking on.

“When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.” -Matthew 1:24 (NIV)

Has God ever asked of you something that you thought was too crazy to do? Think about it, God often asks us to do things that we feel uncomfortable doing or we can’t see how He can do. It may seem like an insane thing that God is asking you, but consider the life of Joseph. Give us TWO minutes and allow us to remind you of how obedience to your God can bring about amazing things!

Just push the PLAY button below and enjoy this latest message.

Know Someone Entering the Holiday Season with Grief?

Christmas and New Year’s Eve can be extremely hard times for those who have lost loved ones recently. Help them this year by gifting them Dr. Matthew Lee Smith’s latest book, Entering Into Death’s Shadow Valley. It is the story of his journey through the horrific process of losing his life partner, Melodee Joy. It is meant to help others who enter this treacherous and often perilous path. It’s available on Amazon.

21 Days of Audacious Faith
Audacious Faith? “Audacious” means showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. Think Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, Elijah, Elisha, Micah, John, Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, and John. And consider Hannah, Jehosheba, Esther, Jaal, Ruth, Deborah, Abigail, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene, just to name a few.The Bible is filled with men and women who took surprisingly bold risks for God and are remembered in God’s journal of faith – the Bible. Do you want to be remembered for audacious faith – we do!Join Kate, Doc, and the whole Eagles In Leadership team as we go before the Lord asking for AUDACIOUS FAITH in 2022! We will pray and fast from January 2 – 22 as we start 2022 seeking God’s answers to THREE questions …

Week 1 – January 2-8: What is “Audacious Faith?”
Week 2 – January 9-15: What does “Audacious Faith” look like?
Week 3 – January 16-22: What will my “Audacious Faith” seek to accomplish in 2022?

Go to today, click on the BOTTOM of any post and “Sign up for Notifications.” We will lead you through the preparation and the process so you can watch your faith EXPLODE and become AUDACIOUS in 2022!



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Hope For Today #229 – Faith Accepts The Impossible!

And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. – Luke 1.38 (ESV)

Imagine if God asked you to do something that would make you the talk of every single person — every gossip in your town. That you would be ridiculed and looked at with disgust by every person you meet.

We’re wondering if God has asked you something this year that is really hard to do that you haven’t done yet. God wants to use you yet this year. Give us TWO minutes and allow us to remind you of the supernatural power of your God!

Just push the PLAY button below and enjoy this latest message.

Know Someone Entering the Holiday Season with Grief?

Christmas and New Year’s Eve can be extremely hard times for those who have lost loved ones recently. Help them this year by gifting them Dr. Matthew Lee Smith’s latest book, Entering Into Death’s Shadow Valley. It is the story of his journey through the horrific process of losing his life partner, Melodee Joy. It is meant to help others who enter this treacherous and often perilous path. It’s available on Amazon.

21 Days of Audacious Faith
Audacious Faith? “Audacious” means showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. Think Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, Elijah, Elisha, Micah, John, Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, and John. And consider Hannah, Jehosheba, Esther, Jaal, Ruth, Deborah, Abigail, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene, just to name a few.The Bible is filled with men and women who took surprisingly bold risks for God and are remembered in God’s journal of faith – the Bible. Do you want to be remembered for audacious faith – we do!

Join Kate, Doc, and the whole Eagles In Leadership team as we go before the Lord asking for AUDACIOUS FAITH in 2022! We will pray and fast from January 2 – 22 as we start 2022 seeking God’s answers to THREE questions …

Week 1 – January 2-8: What is “Audacious Faith?”
Week 2 – January 9-15: What does “Audacious Faith” look like?
Week 3 – January 16-22: What will my “Audacious Faith” seek to accomplish in 2022?

Go to today, click on the BOTTOM of any post and “Sign up for Notifications.” We will lead you through the preparation and the process so you can watch your faith EXPLODE and become AUDACIOUS in 2022!

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