Faith Avoids The Worthless!
“A worthless person, a wicked man goes around speaking dishonestly, winking his eyes, signaling with his feet, and gesturing with his fingers. He always plots evil with perversity in his heart; he stirs up trouble. Therefore calamity will strike him suddenly; he will be shattered instantly, beyond recovery.” (Proverbs 6:12–15, CSB)
Now, more than ever, we need to be making wise decisions as we seek to emerge from this Pandemic! The people closest to us will often determine our success or failure. Remember the old adage: “Don’t get your financial advice from your broke relatives!” The same is true today as we emerge from this mess! Choose the people you do life with very carefully!
So today, if you are in need of a “faith boost,” give us TWO minutes and allow us to remind you of the supernatural power of your God!
Just push the PLAY button below and enjoy this latest message!
BOGO in September! 
Entering Death’s Shadow Valley, Doc’s book on grief, will be featured as a “Buy One Get One Free!” in the month of September!
Simply message Doc at: BooksByDoc[at] (replacing [at] with @) and let him know how many books you want.
BOGO is: $12 for TWO + $5.00 shipping and handling. NO limit on the number of orders.
BOGO for Entering Death’s Shadow Valley lasts THE ENTIRE month of September!Start thinking of the people you want to GIFT the book to … perhaps even for Christmas … and lift their hearts in the midst of their grief!