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These journals will help you keep track of your daily reading and prayer requests.Hope Enabler is the real-life story of one Christian parent’s struggle with a runaway child and the hope that God enabled her to have during the darkest moments of that struggle.
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Tag Archives: believe
Willing Worker Wednesday – Revealing Incredible Trust!
““I am the Lord’s slave,” said Mary. “May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel left her.” (Luke 1:38, HCSB) I am the Lord’s slave. Attitude is the key to our spiritual altitude. We see … Continue reading
Posted in Leadership Blog, Willing Worker Wednesdays
Tagged altitude, angel, angry, attitude, avoid, believe, blame, character, compassion, courageous, demeanor, dismal, elegant, emulate, energy, enslave, faith, friends, furt, God, goodness, heart, help, immorality, life, lives, ludicrous, mocked, model, power, powerful, pregnancy, problmes, reject, relief, ridicule, sacrifice, scorned, selfie, shame, skepticism, slave, spiritual, submission, surrender, Trust, upset, virgin birth, word
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Willing Worker Wednesday – Enjoying An Impossible Mindset!
“Mary asked the angel, “How can this be, since I have not been intimate with a man?” The angel replied to her: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. … Continue reading
Posted in Leadership Blog, Willing Worker Wednesdays
Tagged ability, able, accomplish, angel, Ark, ask, believe, faith, faithful, galaxies, God, Holy Spirit, Impossible, Jesus, king of kings, Leadership, life, lord of lords, Noah, plans, power, problem, ridicule, servant, serve, supernatural, think, timing, Trust, virgin birth, willing, worlds
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Hope For Today – Great Faith in Our Great God Receives Great Victory!
I’m Dr. Matthew Lee Smith and I want to share some Hope For Today to encourage you to increase your faith so you can increase God’s reward in your life! Hope For Today is a part of the ministry of … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged action, belief, believe, direction, evidence, faith, famine, fear, financial, financially, foundational, guidance, influence, motivational, possessions, prosperity, provision, resources, reward, rich, strength, successors, territory, wisdom
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Hope For Today – Don’t Be Afraid, Only Believe!
I’m Dr. Matthew Lee Smith and I want to share some Hope For Todayto encourage you to choose faith not fear, no matter what your situation looks like! Hope For Today is a part of the ministry of Eagles … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged afraid, belief, believe, child, church, churches, daughter, David, dead, death, faith, father, fear, Goliath, heal, healing, Impossible, life, ministry, mother family, parent, personal, Promised Land, shock, sickness, Son, terminal, unbelief, unfbelief, well
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Faith Filled Friday – Faith Watches God Act!
“They went into the ark with Noah, two and two of all flesh in which there was the breath of life. And those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him. And the … Continue reading
Studying James 4:14!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, act, action, adultery, ambition, belief, believe, Bible, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, character, church, church conflict, cleanse, community, condemned, covet, craving, criticism, curse, demonic, desire, destiny, devil, dishonor, disorder, evil, exalt, fail, fair, faith, faithless, false, fight, fire, forest, friendship, gentle, gentleness, genuine, God, good, good conduct, grace, habit, heart, hell, horses, hostility, jealous, jealousy, judge, judgment, justice, Kingdom, Law, length, life, mature, maturity, mean, meaning, meekness, mercy, murder, neighbor, obedience, obedient, obey, path, peace, peaceful, planning, plans, practice, prayer, pure, purpose, Rahab, rebellion, relationship, righteous, righteousness, saved, selfish ambition, sincere, spirit, strength, strife, submission, swear, tame, teacher, thought, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, unsaved, vile, war, will of God, wisdom, words, works, worldly
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Studying James 4:13!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers Christian … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, action, adultery, ambition, belief, believe, Bible, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, church, cleanse, community, covet, craving, criticism, curse, demonic, desire, devil, dishonor, disorder, evil, exalt, fail, fair, faith, faithless, false, fight, fire, forest, friendship, gentle, gentleness, genuine, God, good, good conduct, grace, heart, hell, horses, hostility, jealous, jealousy, judge, justice, Law, life, mature, maturity, mean, meekness, mercy, murder, neighbor, obedience, obedient, obey, path, peace, peaceful, practice, prayer, pure, Rahab, rebellion, relationship, righteous, righteousness, selfish ambition, sincere, spirit, strength, strife, submission, swear, tame, teacher, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, vile, war, wisdom, words, works
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Studying James 4:12!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers Christian … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, action, adultery, ambition, belief, believe, Bible, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, church, cleanse, community, covet, craving, criticism, curse, demonic, desire, devil, dishonor, disorder, evil, exalt, fail, fair, faith, faithless, false, fight, fire, forest, friendship, gentle, gentleness, genuine, God, good, good conduct, grace, heart, hell, horses, hostility, jealous, jealousy, judge, justice, Law, life, mature, maturity, mean, meekness, mercy, murder, neighbor, obedience, obedient, obey, path, peace, peaceful, practice, prayer, pure, Rahab, rebellion, relationship, righteous, righteousness, selfish ambition, sincere, spirit, strength, strife, submission, swear, tame, teacher, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, vile, war, wisdom, words, works
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