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NEW! Entering Into Death’s Shadow Valley is Dr. Matthew Lee Smith’s journey through the horrific process of losing his life-partner, Melodee Joy. It is meant to help others who enter this treacherous and often perilous path.
These books will help guide your daily Bible reading with insights into each passage you read. This series is a practical, passionate, Biblical mentoring journey for individuals, small groups, leadership teams and congregations who desire to win their world for Christ.
These journals will help you keep track of your daily reading and prayer requests.Hope Enabler is the real-life story of one Christian parent’s struggle with a runaway child and the hope that God enabled her to have during the darkest moments of that struggle.
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Tag Archives: commitment
Transformed #282: Winning Depends on These Strategies!
Paul was clear that we were to run the spiritual race to win! But how? How to do run to win? In our New Year series, “When Sunday School Works Well!” Dr. Matthew Lee Smith explains both the principle … Continue reading
Posted in Sunday School, Transformed
Tagged assets, attitude, church, commitment, discipline, excuses, feeling, goal, habit, Jesus, life, ministry, motivation, Passion, patience, persistence, preparation, price, principle, responsibilities, reward, self control, strategy, Sunday School, Value, wisdom
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Hope For Today – Given Everything We Need for Life and Godliness!
Editor’s Note: Hope for Today is a weekly message about God’s possibilities for your life by Dr. Matthew Lee Smith of Eagles In Leadership. It currently is heard on radio station, KSUN, 103.5 FM, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin on “PRAISE IN THE PRAIRIE” each … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged Bible, commitment, conversation, create, excellence, experience, exploring, glory, God's Word, godliness, good intentions, guide, gym, knowledge, life, memberships, personal, plan, power
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Transformed Podcast #268: What Kind of Team Player Brings Victory to Their Team?
As our culture crumbles, the Church of the Lord Jesus MUST work together! Unity is key to effective strategic execution of the Great Commission of King Jesus! We are here to introduce you to a special series on the Transformed Podcast … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Last Days, Transformed
Tagged advancement, athlete, attitude, church, commitment, company, confidence, correction, criticizing, difficulty, digital, doing, drive, effort, enrichment, excellence, fear, formula, habit, help, hindrance, improvement, improvise, invention, Job, leader, Leadership, loser, nuisance, objecting, opportunity, people, possibilities, promoted, refusing, responsibility, routine, strength, team, turbulent times, weakness, winner
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4 Simple Daily Prayer Targets for Family and Friends!
As I pray daily, I ask the Lord of Life to work in the lives of my family and my friends … and those I routinely bump into and meet up with. As I seek to spread the light and … Continue reading
Posted in Prayer
Tagged celebrate, Christ, commitment, courage, crucifixion, discouraged, eternal life, faithfulness, generosity, gentleness, goodness, half-hearted, Jesus, joy, kindness, Kingdom, life, Lord, lost, love, patience, peace, pray, prayer, purpose, self control, serve, surrender, witness
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Transformed Episode #212: Exercises for a Healthy Spiritual Heart
How do we maintain a healthy heart for God? Welcome to the Transformed podcast. Setting things straight with God is often painful at first. When we have become entwined in a way of life, extricating ourselves can be difficult. Like … Continue reading
Posted in Love of God, Transformed
Tagged acknowledge, attacks, captivity, celebrate, commitment, confess, Despair, discipline, encourage, encouragement, God, grace, heart, obedience, obey, pain, persist, praise, rebuild, repent, stroke
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Transformed Episode #209: Building a Life Around God’s Heart
How do we truly orbit God’s heart? Welcome to the Transformed podcast. Worship is all about telling God how wonderful He is. Worship is not about music, it is about the heart.” Imagine the joy we bring to God when … Continue reading
Posted in Love of God, Transformed
Tagged Bible, Christianity, commitment, demonstrate, dignify, express, heart of God, honor, illustrate, love of God, magnify, music, personify, praise, prayer, respect, worship, worth
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Hard Sayings and Shallow Faith!
Belief is truth held in the mind; faith is a fire in the heart. ~ Joseph Fort Newton Faith in Jesus isn’t an app we can turn on and turn off when we want to. Faith is an absolute calling … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged app, belief, call, Capernaum, commitment, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, disciple, faith, God, heart, Jesus, Kingdom, Lamb, lamb of God, loyalty, ministry, passover, tenacity, Trust, will
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Eternal Life, Eating Flesh, Drinking Blood!
But what is eternal life? Is it eternal self-esteem? Is it a heaven full of mirrors? Or snowboards, or gold links, or black-eyed virgins? No. Jesus tells us exactly what he meant: “And this is eternal life, that they know … Continue reading
Posted in Becoming Like Jesus
Tagged call, Capernaum, commitment, communion, conservative, eternal life, evangelical, faith, heaven, Jesus, Jew, Knowing God, Lamb, lamb of God, passover, prayer, purpose, redemption, relationship, salvation
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Transformed Episode #158 – Jesus, Our Life Giver!
Welcome to the Transformed podcast. Is there more to life than consuming and existing? In today’s study, Dr. Matthew Lee Smith, Lead Pastor at Pacific Baptist Church in El Segundo, California shows us that Jesus affirms that there is … Continue reading
Posted in Transformed
Tagged assurance, Christ, Christian, christian life, commitment, Confession, death, Grief, hope, Jesus, miracle, resurrection
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Reframing Commitment
By Dr. Matthew Lee Smith Over the course of the past 2 years I have been thinking about the alarming statistics concerning the American Church. My friend, Len Sweet, says that 75% of the churches in America are dying, 23% … Continue reading
Posted in Leadership Blog, Multi-ethnic / Urban
Tagged Bible, character, Christian, commitment, freeloaders, ownership, renters, spiritual growth
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