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Tag Archives: disciple
Train Them Thursday – Growing Closer and Enjoying His Favor!
“The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. “He will be great … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged afraid, announcement, assignment, bestow, blessing, capable, child, children, complaint, disciple, discipleship, enjoy, favor, fear, glory, God, grace, gracious, gratitude, grow, heart, help, Inventory, joy, life, live, love, mission, obey, parent, plan, please, pleasing, pleasure, ready, task, understand, used, whim, will, willing
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Willing Worker Wednesday – God Is On The Case!
“He has done a mighty deed with His arm; He has scattered the proud because of the thoughts of their hearts; He has toppled the mighty from their thrones and exalted the lowly. He has satisfied the hungry with … Continue reading
Posted in Leadership Blog, Willing Worker Wednesdays
Tagged agenda, attention, battle, commission, deed, devil, disciple, distrust, energy, enliven, flesh, follow, goal, God, Good News, growth, help, helped, Holy Spirit, hunry, Jesus, Leadership, love, lowly, maturity, mercy, mighty, mind, mission, ponder, proclaim, promote, proud, rich, satify, scatter, sent, servant, skills, sou;, spiritual, struggle, success, topple, trials, troubles, Trust, will, willing, world
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Train Them Thursday – Perplexed When Favored By God!
“Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David; and the virgin’s name … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged amazing, assurance, complicated, confusion, cooking, Creation, devoted, disciple, discipleship, dismay, drama, eternal, eternity, favor, Galilee, God, heart, honor, humanity, humility, Israel, Jesus, Joseph, joy, judge, life, Lord, love, Mary, motive, Nazareth, Palestine, ponder, promise, reality, redeem, redemption, reputation, salvation, serve, service, technique, Virgin
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Willing Worker Wednesday – Anticipating God’s Blessing!
“She who has believed is blessed because what was spoken to her by the Lord will be fulfilled!”(Luke 1:45, HCSB) She who has believed is blessed. So often we forget that our knowing isn’t enough as a leader … Continue reading
Posted in Leadership Blog, Willing Worker Wednesdays
Tagged accepted, act, action, angel, belief, believe, bless, blessed, blessing, change, character, choice, commitment, criticism, devil, difficulty, directive, disciple, doubt, effective, faith, future, God, goodness, grow, heart, Jesus, knowledge, Leadership, life, Lord, Mary, motivation, obey, pain, promise, reality, respond, rewards, right, significant, sin, slave, submission, submit, surrender, Trust, whim, will, work, working, wrong
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Train Them Thursday – God Silences Doubt!
“Zacharias said to the angel, “How will I know this for certain? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.” The angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged ability, angel, believe, Bible, blameless, change, character, circumstances, create, dead, declare, disciple, discipleship, Distance, doubt, effective, epitome, example, faith, faithfully, frutiful, God, integrity, Jesus, lie, life, married, poison, proclaim, promise, react, rewardd, right living, serve, serving, situation, time, Trust, truth, truthfulness, virus, will, word, Word of God
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Train Them Thursday – Lifestyle Matters!
“In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah; and he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. They were both righteous in … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged Aaron, Abijah, action, Bible, blameless, children, command, couple, disciple, discipleship, disobey, Elizabeth, financial, firends, friendship, God, Herod, Jesus, law of life, life, lifestyle, live, Lord, love, obedience, obey, personal, principle, requirement, result, right, righteous, significance, success, truth, vocational, Word of God, Zacharias
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Train Them Thursday – Clearing Up The Confusion!
“No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.” (John 1:18, NASB95) He has explained Him. Confusion is never fun! You’re at one … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged app, application, apply, assume, Bible, confusion, desires, disciple, dreams, experience, experiential, feelings, friends, frustration, fun, God, hopes, hurt, ideas, Jesus, like, pain, personal, problem, relationship, restaurant, review, Smartphone, strategy, thoughts
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