EIL Books!
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NEW! Entering Into Death’s Shadow Valley is Dr. Matthew Lee Smith’s journey through the horrific process of losing his life-partner, Melodee Joy. It is meant to help others who enter this treacherous and often perilous path.
These books will help guide your daily Bible reading with insights into each passage you read. This series is a practical, passionate, Biblical mentoring journey for individuals, small groups, leadership teams and congregations who desire to win their world for Christ.
These journals will help you keep track of your daily reading and prayer requests.Hope Enabler is the real-life story of one Christian parent’s struggle with a runaway child and the hope that God enabled her to have during the darkest moments of that struggle.
Machu & Jack
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Tag Archives: eagles
Order Now! Start An Outreach Movement This Summer!
Eagles don’t flock! You have to gather them. Eagles soar in a specific habitat conducive to their nature. If you want to gather eagles, you will have to create an environment where they want to be. Gathering Missional Leaders explores … Continue reading
Posted in Advertizing, Book Reviews, Discipleship, Engaging Culture, Leadership Blog
Tagged challenge, Christian, church, coalition, community, congregation, disciple making, discipleship, eagles, evangelism, faith, Great Commission, leaders, mentor, mission, mission statement, missional, Passion, practical, small group, spirit, team building, training, vision team
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Merry Christmas!
From all of us at Eagles In Leadership, we want to thank you for your support over the past year. We wish you a … And in the New Year we look forward to our mutual partnership to Encourage Achievement … Continue reading
Posted in Greeting
Tagged eagles, Eagles In Leadership, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas
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Prioritize the Mission!
Feel free to forward this to a friend! The Sort of Men and Women the Institute Aims to Send Out: “Those having these characteristics: Thorough consecration; Intense love for souls; A good knowledge of God’s Word, and especially how to … Continue reading
Posted in Becoming Like Jesus, Eagles E-Letter
Tagged acceptance, adversary, apostles, baptism of the Holy Spirit, Biblical sucess, consecration, disciples, eagle leader, eagle leadership, eagles, endure hardship, focus, God's Word, Gomorrah, hell, judgment, love for souls, mission, mission statement, Moody Bible Institute, Paul Nyquist, priorities, prioritize, resistance, resistant, Sodom, strategy, success, twelve apostles, twelve disciples, unrecptive
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Leaders Are Learners!
Feel free to forward this to a friend! “Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge, let your learning lead to action.” ~ Jim Rohn The bottom line of being a leader is using what you know. Many times leaders rest … Continue reading
Posted in Becoming Like Jesus, Eagles E-Letter
Tagged Bible, Bible Reading Schedule, church, church growth, eagle leader, eagles, God's heart, God's Word, Great Commandment, Great Commission, Jim Rohn, leaders, leadership development, learners, learning, mission, motivation, New Testament, Old Testament
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Teaching Those Who Are Listening – Part 4!
Feel free to forward this to a friend! “Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” ~ Karen Clark When you and I desire to develop Eagle Leaders, we discover that we must separate the sincere from the insincere. That … Continue reading