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Tag Archives: emotion
Magnificent Marriage Monday – Treating Our Spouse With Respect!
“Early in the morning Abimelech got up, called all his servants together, and personally told them all these things, and the men were terrified. Then Abimelech called Abraham in and said to him, “What have you done to us? How … Continue reading
Posted in Magnificent Marriage Mondays, Marriage
Tagged abundant, account, accusation, action, adultery, Almighty, cnsequence, communication, companionship, confront, consequence, couple, damage, defend, design, emotion, existence, friendship, God, Godhead, husband, idea, indignation, innocent, isolation, judgment, life, Lord, marriage, mistreat, motive, partnership, purity, recrimination, respect, revere, righteous, spouse, terror, threatening, thrive, Unity, violate, violation, vows, wife
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Train Them Thursday – Let God Guide!
“So Joseph got up, took the Child and His mother, and came into the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Then … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged access, belief, care, communication, concern, confidence, crossroads, danger, disciple, dynamic, emotion, emotional, faith, feel, follow, follower, God, grace, heart, intervention, Jesus, Joseph, Judah, King, lead, life, Lord, Mary, moment, Nazareth, plan, preference, problem, relationship, rule, surrender, teaching
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Turn-Around Tuesday – Fear Tears Away One’s Hope
“I will take nothing but what the young men have eaten, and the share of the men who went with me. Let Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre take their share.” After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram … Continue reading
Posted in 2 - Turn-Around Tuesdays (trials and troubles), Suffering
Tagged Abraham, confidence, darkness, decision, Despair, disappointment, doubt, emotion, evil, fantasy, fear, future, generous, heart, hope, hopeless, imagination, imagine, immune, insidious, Jerusalem, life, lost, mind, monster, possibility, protection, reward, shield, shiledd, stalker, suffering, terror, troubles, true, victory, Vision
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Turn-Around Tuesday – When God Sends Help
“When Abram heard that his kinsman had been taken captive, he led forth his trained men, born in his house, 318 of them, and went in pursuit as far as Dan. And he divided his forces against them by night, … Continue reading
Posted in 2 - Turn-Around Tuesdays (trials and troubles), Suffering
Tagged Abraham, Agony, battle, captive, captivity, child, choice, community, darkness, daughter, Despair, destroy, emotion, fade, father, force, friend, God, grope, help, home, hope, incarceration, locked up, lose, oercome, oppression, overwhelm, pain, prey, release, rescue, sadness, Son, soul, strength, suffering, tears, vent, wail, weep
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Train Them Thursday – How We Measure God’s Value!
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged cheap, disciple, discipleship, emotion, evidence, faith, fake, follower, friend, Gift, give, God, godly, heart, Jesus, joy, King, life, Lord, love, Magi, mastor, multiply, path of life, phony, pretender, residence, sacrifice, stingy, treasure, Value, worship, worth
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Train Them Thursday – God Has Spoken!
“And when eight days had passed, so as to circumcise Him, His name was then called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.” (Luke 2:21, NASB95) And when eight days had passed, … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged angel, Bible, birth, blessing, circumcise, couple, difficulty, directive, disciple, emotion, fhourist, Finance, finances, financial, God, godly, heaven, Holy Spirit, husband, ive, Jesus, Joseph, Joseph and Mary, Law, leading, life, man, Mary, prompting, requirement, sacred, spirit, strain, text, thrive, wife, womb, Word of God
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Hope For Today – Jesus, the Joy in Our Souls!
I’m Dr. Matthew Lee Smith and I want to share some Hope For Today about having joy deep down in our souls when everyone else is mean! Hope For Today is a part of the ministry of Eagles In Leadership. … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged birthday, Christmas, command, crabby, emotion, emotional, father, God, Jesus, joy, joy to the world, Leadership, lifestyle, lyrics, mean, play list, relationship, season, shopping, song, soul, spirit, Thanksgiving
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Turn-Around Tuesday – When God Releases Us!
“Then God said to Noah, “Go out from the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your sons’ wives with you … So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with … Continue reading
Posted in 2 - Turn-Around Tuesdays (trials and troubles), Suffering
Tagged adrenaline, Ark, choice, choose, choosing, confinement, connection, daughter, emotion, enemies, expectancy, experience, faith, free, God, growth, life, Noah, plan, produce, release, Son, Trust, wife
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Magnificent Marriage Monday – Your Wife, Your Life!
“The man named his wife Eve because she was the mother of all the living.” (Genesis 3:20, CSB) The man named his wife Eve. Eve means, “life” or “making alive.” What an incredible observation from Adam. She is … Continue reading
Posted in Magnificent Marriage Mondays, Marriage
Tagged Adam, ancestor, blessed, children, companionship, completion, connection, connections, creativity, design, emotion, eve, father, friend, fulfillment, Gift, God, Godhead, gratitude, heartbeat, holiness, Holy Spirit, honor, hope, humanity, husband, interactions, joy, life, living, marriage, married, marry, mother, pledge, prayer, prent, protection, purpose, relational, relationship, sibling, Son, strength, understanding, union, wife, wisdom, wives, womb
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Turn-Around Tuesday – Grieving God’s Heart!
“The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, … Continue reading
Posted in 2 - Turn-Around Tuesdays (trials and troubles), Suffering
Tagged abundant life, captivity, choice, choices, decisions, direction, disappointed, DNA, doctrine, emotion, emotionless, emotions, existence, feeling, God, Grief, Grieved, heart, Israel, justice, leading, lifestyle, mind, Old Testament, reality, regret, soul, trouble, will
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