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These books will help guide your daily Bible reading with insights into each passage you read. This series is a practical, passionate, Biblical mentoring journey for individuals, small groups, leadership teams and congregations who desire to win their world for Christ.
These journals will help you keep track of your daily reading and prayer requests.Hope Enabler is the real-life story of one Christian parent’s struggle with a runaway child and the hope that God enabled her to have during the darkest moments of that struggle.
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Tag Archives: frustrated
Magnificent Marriage Monday – When Leadership Fails!
“Abram’s wife Sarai had not borne any children for him, but she owned an Egyptian slave named Hagar. Sarai said to Abram, “Since the Lord has prevented me from bearing children, go to my slave; perhaps through her I can build … Continue reading
Posted in Magnificent Marriage Mondays, Marriage
Tagged Abraham, Abram, baby, child, children, design, discuss, faith, frustrate, frustrated, frustration, girl, God, heart, husband, idea, infertility, life together, Lord, man and wife, marriage, obstacle, option, problem, Sarai, sight, slave, Son, supernatural, wife, will, will of God
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Turn-Around Tuesday – Denial Leads to Our Destruction!
“Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.” And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” … Continue reading
Posted in 2 - Turn-Around Tuesdays (trials and troubles), Suffering
Tagged Abel, action, arrogance, brother's keeper, Cain, child, choice, consequences, distraction, failure, forgiveness, frustrated, frustration, guilt, honest, humble, lie, life, mean, mercy, mistakes, obstinate, parent, pride, responsibility, teachable, transparent, trapped, trials, troubles, wrong-doing
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Faith Filled Friday – Faith Does All God Commands!
“Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him … And Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him.” (Genesis 6:22; 7:5, ESV) Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him. How many times have … Continue reading
Posted in faith, Faith-Filled Fridays
Tagged command, faith, faithful, frustrated, future, global, God, inattention to detail, incomplete, incompletion, instruction, insubordination, Jesus, martial, Noah, Noah's Ark, plan, purpose, supernatural, Timeline, transdimensional
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