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Tag Archives: honor
Willing Worker Wednesday – Servant Leaders Are Sold Our Leaders!
“Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary His mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11, HCSB) Falling to … Continue reading
Posted in Leadership Blog, Willing Worker Wednesdays
Tagged adoration, attack, blessing, bow, bowing, character, conquer, defend, ego, Gift, God, happiness, honor, Jesus, King, leader, loser, me, praise, protect, provision, refuge, sacrifice, sing, society, surrender, trait, treasure, Value, victor, winner, wise, worship, worthy
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Magnificent Marriage Monday – Your Wife, Your Life Are Precious To the Lord!
“And I will require a penalty for your lifeblood; I will require it from any animal and from any human; if someone murders a fellow human, I will require that person’s life. Whoever sheds human blood, by humans his blood … Continue reading
Posted in Magnificent Marriage Mondays, Marriage
Tagged abundance, abuse, action, adoration, adore, blood, cherish, companion, death, devotion, diligence, evaluate, evil, feeling, feelings, good, heart, home, honor, husband, importance, life, love, marriage, penalty, ponder, practice, precious, prie, respect, sanctity, say, speak, treasure, unite, Value, wife
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Magnificent Marriage Monday – Advanced Warning From Danger!
“So Noah, his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives entered the ark because of the floodwaters … just as God had commanded him. Seven days later the floodwaters came on the earth.” (Genesis 7:7, 9-10, CSB) Seven days … Continue reading
Posted in Magnificent Marriage Mondays, Marriage
Tagged abundant, adventure, align, Ark, bodyguard, catastrophe, command, confess, cost, couple, danger, discussion, Distance, distraction, drift, earth, flood, focus, God, grace, guide, he;p, heart, help, helpful, holiday, honor, humanity, inform, information, insider information, life, Lord, marriage, Master, mercy, Noah, personal, planning, position, presence, protect, purpose, realign, refocus, regroup, relationship, safety, scary, security, sense, sin, strife, style, supernatural, tension, thrive, thriving, travel, ufamiliar, unite, universer, warning, will, wise
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Faith Filled Friday – When Our Faith Influences No One!
“Then the men said to Lot, “Have you anyone else here? Sons-in-law, sons, daughters, or anyone you have in the city, bring them out of the place. For we are about to destroy this place, because the outcry against … Continue reading
Posted in faith, Faith-Filled Fridays
Tagged believe, Bible, biblical, children, Christ, church, community, culture, daughter, dignity, engaged, faith, family, God, good, gravitas, honor, house, household, influence, Jesus, life, Lord, lot, manage, mature, men, money, New Testament, overseer, parent, pastor, reaction, relationship, respect, shocking, Sodom, Submissive, warning
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Train Them Thursday – Attitude’s Key to Discipleship!
“And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has had regard for the humble state of His slave girl; For behold, from this time on all generations will count … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged abounding, admiration, anger, attitude, bless, blessed, child, children, comfortable, compassionate, direction, discipleship, faith, father, forgive, Generation, God, gracious, grandchildren, guilty, heart, honor, humble, iniquity, intense, Intimacy, intimate, kids, lovingkindness, peace, personal, position, powerful, reality, relationship, right, sin, slave, struggle, submission, translation, trnasgression, Trust, truth
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Magnificent Marriage Monday – One Couple Can Make a Huge Difference!
“When the Lord saw that human wickedness was widespread on the earth and that every inclination of the human mind was nothing but evil all the time, the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and he … Continue reading
Posted in Magnificent Marriage Mondays, Marriage
Tagged activities, activity, Ark, athlete, businessperson, call, chaos, choice, conviction, cost, couple, Creation, crookedness, culture, Daniel, difference, dream, dreams, earth, evil, excellence, favor, future, God, grieve, hard work, honor, honoring, human, humanity, husband, inclination, iniquities, iniquity, intention, life, Lord, man, marriage, mind, musician, Noah, path, people, price, regret, ridicule, significance, strange, whim, wicked, wickedness, wife, will, winning
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Train Them Thursday – Perplexed When Favored By God!
“Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David; and the virgin’s name … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged amazing, assurance, complicated, confusion, cooking, Creation, devoted, disciple, discipleship, dismay, drama, eternal, eternity, favor, Galilee, God, heart, honor, humanity, humility, Israel, Jesus, Joseph, joy, judge, life, Lord, love, Mary, motive, Nazareth, Palestine, ponder, promise, reality, redeem, redemption, reputation, salvation, serve, service, technique, Virgin
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