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These books will help guide your daily Bible reading with insights into each passage you read. This series is a practical, passionate, Biblical mentoring journey for individuals, small groups, leadership teams and congregations who desire to win their world for Christ.
These journals will help you keep track of your daily reading and prayer requests.Hope Enabler is the real-life story of one Christian parent’s struggle with a runaway child and the hope that God enabled her to have during the darkest moments of that struggle.
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Tag Archives: Kingdom
Transformed #302: Taking Care of Your Community!
“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” (3 John 2, ESV) “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39, ESV) Thriving … Continue reading
Posted in christian life, Discipleship, Transformed
Tagged abuse, alcohol abuse, depression, design, disciple, discipling, dream, dreams, eternity, faith, fishing, Gospel, health, healthy, hell, joy, Kingdom, life, loneliness, lost people, love, love your neighbor, meaning, mission, mission field, patience, persistence, physical fitness, reach out, regret, rescue, risk, self-serving, selfish, speak life, spirit, Spiritual Gift, tulare county, visalia, Vision, work
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Lessons From the East – A Book Review
Disturbing. Dynamic. Directional. These thoughts ran through my mind as I read – strike that – devoured this book. I am not one to gush over a book, but Lessons From the East is a must read this summer! With … Continue reading
Posted in Book Reviews
Tagged Bible, Bob Roberts Jr., Christ, church, culture, Decline, discipleship, evangelism, faith, forgiveness, Gospel, Great Commission, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Kingdom, Lessons From the East, love your neighbor, membership, mission, missional, missions, motivation, religion, repentance, spiritual gifts
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Studying James 4:17!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers Christian College … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged act, Aging, arrogance, Bible, boasting, business, character, church, church conflict, cleanse, community, condemned, covet, craving, criticism, demonic, desire, destiny, devil, dishonor, evil, exalt, faithless, fight, future, God, good, grace, habit, heart, hostility, jealous, judge, judgment, Kingdom, Law, length, life, meaning, murder, neighbor, planning, plans, prayer, purpose, saved, selfishness, selflessness, sin, spirit, submission, thought, unsaved, war, will of God, worldly
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Transformed Podcast #266: Fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus!
Let’s be honest … Jesus didn’t call His disciples to save Rome; He called them to save the people who were part of the Roman Empire … and so many more! And thus, as our culture crumbles all around us, … Continue reading
Posted in Engaging Culture, Transformed
Tagged baptize, commission, delay, disciple, discipleship, Do it, ethnic, ETHNICITIES, glorify, Great, Jesus, Kingdom, mission, nations, obey, plan, power, presence of God, teach, work
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Studying James 4:16
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers Christian College … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged act, Aging, arrogance, Bible, boasting, business, character, church, church conflict, cleanse, community, condemned, covet, craving, criticism, demonic, desire, destiny, devil, dishonor, evil, exalt, faithless, fight, future, God, good, grace, habit, heart, hostility, jealous, judge, judgment, Kingdom, Law, length, life, meaning, murder, neighbor, planning, plans, prayer, purpose, saved, selfishness, selflessness, sin, spirit, submission, thought, unsaved, war, will of God, worldly
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Studying James 4:15!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers Christian … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged act, Aging, arrogance, Bible, boasting, business, character, church, church conflict, cleanse, community, condemned, covet, craving, criticism, demonic, desire, destiny, devil, dishonor, evil, exalt, faithless, fight, future, God, good, grace, habit, heart, hostility, jealous, judge, judgment, Kingdom, Law, length, life, meaning, murder, neighbor, planning, plans, prayer, purpose, saved, selfishness, selflessness, sin, spirit, submission, thought, unsaved, war, will of God, worldly
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Studying James 4:14!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, act, action, adultery, ambition, belief, believe, Bible, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, character, church, church conflict, cleanse, community, condemned, covet, craving, criticism, curse, demonic, desire, destiny, devil, dishonor, disorder, evil, exalt, fail, fair, faith, faithless, false, fight, fire, forest, friendship, gentle, gentleness, genuine, God, good, good conduct, grace, habit, heart, hell, horses, hostility, jealous, jealousy, judge, judgment, justice, Kingdom, Law, length, life, mature, maturity, mean, meaning, meekness, mercy, murder, neighbor, obedience, obedient, obey, path, peace, peaceful, planning, plans, practice, prayer, pure, purpose, Rahab, rebellion, relationship, righteous, righteousness, saved, selfish ambition, sincere, spirit, strength, strife, submission, swear, tame, teacher, thought, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, unsaved, vile, war, will of God, wisdom, words, works, worldly
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4 Simple Daily Prayer Targets for Family and Friends!
As I pray daily, I ask the Lord of Life to work in the lives of my family and my friends … and those I routinely bump into and meet up with. As I seek to spread the light and … Continue reading
Posted in Prayer
Tagged celebrate, Christ, commitment, courage, crucifixion, discouraged, eternal life, faithfulness, generosity, gentleness, goodness, half-hearted, Jesus, joy, kindness, Kingdom, life, Lord, lost, love, patience, peace, pray, prayer, purpose, self control, serve, surrender, witness
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Hard Sayings and Shallow Faith!
Belief is truth held in the mind; faith is a fire in the heart. ~ Joseph Fort Newton Faith in Jesus isn’t an app we can turn on and turn off when we want to. Faith is an absolute calling … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged app, belief, call, Capernaum, commitment, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, disciple, faith, God, heart, Jesus, Kingdom, Lamb, lamb of God, loyalty, ministry, passover, tenacity, Trust, will
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Transformed Episode #154 – You Mean God Puts Money in People’s Bank Accounts?
Welcome to the Transformed podcast. The Word of God provides a road map and contains everything we need to know in order to enjoy success in our personal lives, including success in our finances. When God can trust His subjects … Continue reading