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Tag Archives: strength
Transformed #290: Great Faith in a Great God Receives Great Victory!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast. “Great Faith in Our Great God Receives Great Victory!” Launching from the daily life of the father of our faith, Abraham of old, Dr. Matthew Lee Smith, Lead Pastor of Woodland Drive Baptist Church in … Continue reading
Posted in Deeper Walk With God, Discipleship, faith, Transformed, Uncategorized
Tagged Abraham, action, blessing, direction, evidence, faith, God, growth, guidance, influence, possessions, prayer, reward, strength, surrender, victory, Vision, wisdom, worship
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Denial Is Inevitable …
Have you ever lamented your cowardice? I know I have! So many times I want to stand strong for Jesus and, when a tough situation comes up, I wimp out. If you know how I feel, we are not alone. … Continue reading
Posted in christian life, Discipleship, Uncategorized
Tagged attack, betrayal, coward, cowardice, faith, Jesus, Peter, Simon Peter, spirit, strength
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Transformed Podcast #268: What Kind of Team Player Brings Victory to Their Team?
As our culture crumbles, the Church of the Lord Jesus MUST work together! Unity is key to effective strategic execution of the Great Commission of King Jesus! We are here to introduce you to a special series on the Transformed Podcast … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Last Days, Transformed
Tagged advancement, athlete, attitude, church, commitment, company, confidence, correction, criticizing, difficulty, digital, doing, drive, effort, enrichment, excellence, fear, formula, habit, help, hindrance, improvement, improvise, invention, Job, leader, Leadership, loser, nuisance, objecting, opportunity, people, possibilities, promoted, refusing, responsibility, routine, strength, team, turbulent times, weakness, winner
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Studying James 4:14!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, act, action, adultery, ambition, belief, believe, Bible, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, character, church, church conflict, cleanse, community, condemned, covet, craving, criticism, curse, demonic, desire, destiny, devil, dishonor, disorder, evil, exalt, fail, fair, faith, faithless, false, fight, fire, forest, friendship, gentle, gentleness, genuine, God, good, good conduct, grace, habit, heart, hell, horses, hostility, jealous, jealousy, judge, judgment, justice, Kingdom, Law, length, life, mature, maturity, mean, meaning, meekness, mercy, murder, neighbor, obedience, obedient, obey, path, peace, peaceful, planning, plans, practice, prayer, pure, purpose, Rahab, rebellion, relationship, righteous, righteousness, saved, selfish ambition, sincere, spirit, strength, strife, submission, swear, tame, teacher, thought, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, unsaved, vile, war, will of God, wisdom, words, works, worldly
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Studying James 4:13!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers Christian … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, action, adultery, ambition, belief, believe, Bible, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, church, cleanse, community, covet, craving, criticism, curse, demonic, desire, devil, dishonor, disorder, evil, exalt, fail, fair, faith, faithless, false, fight, fire, forest, friendship, gentle, gentleness, genuine, God, good, good conduct, grace, heart, hell, horses, hostility, jealous, jealousy, judge, justice, Law, life, mature, maturity, mean, meekness, mercy, murder, neighbor, obedience, obedient, obey, path, peace, peaceful, practice, prayer, pure, Rahab, rebellion, relationship, righteous, righteousness, selfish ambition, sincere, spirit, strength, strife, submission, swear, tame, teacher, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, vile, war, wisdom, words, works
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Studying James 4:12!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers Christian … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, action, adultery, ambition, belief, believe, Bible, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, church, cleanse, community, covet, craving, criticism, curse, demonic, desire, devil, dishonor, disorder, evil, exalt, fail, fair, faith, faithless, false, fight, fire, forest, friendship, gentle, gentleness, genuine, God, good, good conduct, grace, heart, hell, horses, hostility, jealous, jealousy, judge, justice, Law, life, mature, maturity, mean, meekness, mercy, murder, neighbor, obedience, obedient, obey, path, peace, peaceful, practice, prayer, pure, Rahab, rebellion, relationship, righteous, righteousness, selfish ambition, sincere, spirit, strength, strife, submission, swear, tame, teacher, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, vile, war, wisdom, words, works
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Transformed Podcast #260: God, Who Is Known As El Roi, El Olam, El Shaddai and Immanuel!
Life can be overwhelming at times, can’t it? If it wasn’t for the presence of God in our lives, how would we make it? Welcome to another episode of the Transformed podcast. In today’s study, which is part of … Continue reading
Posted in Character of God, Names of God, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, Almighty, blessing, circumstances, diety, El Olam, El Roi, El Shaddai, enemies, eternal, everlasting, father, God, I Am, Immanuel, mountains, powerful, problems, purpose, sign, strength, sufficient, Syrians, troubles, victory
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Transformed Episode #253: The Discipline of Giving Up to Get Alone With God!
“Fasting is giving up food or some other activity in order to devote more serious time and attention to prayer.” ~ Dan Southerland As we open this episode of the Transformed Podcast, we are here today to help you … Continue reading
Posted in christian life, Transformed
Tagged breakthrough, courage, fasting, fear, prayer, strength, weakness
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Transformed Episode #252: The Discipline of Talking to God!
The most practical and powerful way to get believers headed in the direction of spiritual maturity is to help them establish habits that promote spiritual growth. As we open this episode of the Transformed Podcast, we are here today … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Transformed
Tagged answers, Bible, Christian, discipline, God's Word, prayer, prosperity, strength
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Studying James 3:18!
Welcome to the Transformed Podcast! Dr. Matthew Smith, director of Eagles In Leadership, continues to teach verse by verse through the book of James, one verse per podcast. These studies were recorded live in his class at Bible Believers … Continue reading
Posted in James Study, Transformed
Tagged Abraham, action, ambition, belief, believe, bitterness, blaze, bless, boast, boasting, boasts, church, community, curse, demonic, dishonor, disorder, evil, fail, fair, faith, faithless, false, fire, forest, gentle, gentleness, genuine, good, good conduct, heart, hell, horses, jealousy, justice, life, mature, maturity, mean, meekness, mercy, obedience, obedient, obey, path, peace, peaceful, practice, pure, Rahab, righteous, righteousness, selfish ambition, sincere, strength, strife, swear, tame, teacher, tongue, truth, unrighteousness, vile, wisdom, words, works
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