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NEW! Entering Into Death’s Shadow Valley is Dr. Matthew Lee Smith’s journey through the horrific process of losing his life-partner, Melodee Joy. It is meant to help others who enter this treacherous and often perilous path.
These books will help guide your daily Bible reading with insights into each passage you read. This series is a practical, passionate, Biblical mentoring journey for individuals, small groups, leadership teams and congregations who desire to win their world for Christ.
These journals will help you keep track of your daily reading and prayer requests.Hope Enabler is the real-life story of one Christian parent’s struggle with a runaway child and the hope that God enabled her to have during the darkest moments of that struggle.
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Tag Archives: virus
Hope For Today #168 – Expansion Is The Result!
There is little question that’s the COVID 19 virus has wreaked a lot of havoc in our lives this year. Many of us have lost the opportunity to work. That’s brought an incredible financial strain upon our families. Many … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged cheated, Covid-19, difficult, doom, faith, families, family, financial, forgotten, forsake, future, God, harm, havoc, heart, home, hope, leave, marriage, marriages, might, opportunity, pandemic, plan, problme, proclaim, prognosis, prosper, protect, reality, situatoon, strain, strss, struggling, virus, wages, work
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Hope For Today – God’s Expansion Plans As We Start Afresh!
As I asked people what they did when the lockdown was released, it was interesting to hear their responses. I was looking for the big plans that they had hoped and dreamed about. Most of the people responded about enjoying being back … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged 2020, Bible, clergy, confidence, dreams, eternity, family, fasting, future, Holy Spirit, hopes, Israel, lockdown, mission, New Year, Noah, pastor, plans, prayer, purpose, quarantine, siritual, spirit, tour, virus, Vision, worldly
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Hope For Today – His Expansion Plans Begin Afresh!
Like a new calendar at the beginning of the year, there is something that stirs my heart when everything begins new. One of the things that I love the most is when God gives a fresh word for a new … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged 2020, accomplish, calendar, call, call of God, confinement, darkness, dream, dreams, expansion, fear, fresh, God, greater things, heart, hope, hopes, life, mission, move forward, obstacle, plan, season, storm, strength, uncertainty, virus, Vision
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Hope For Today In Times of Disaster!
Whatever else we want to say about the global pandemic we have been in, one thing is for sure: We have never seen anything like this in our lifetime. Everything closed, people frantic and panicked; People struggling and trying to … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged accomplishment, Bible, business, Covid-19, disaster, expnsion, faith, frantic, global, God, heart, Holy Spirit, hope, Impossible, mission, moving, new normal, Noah, pandemic, panic, panicked, planning, plans, pray, prayer, racism, storms, struggle, survive, thrive, virus, Vision
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Hope For Today – God’s Expansion Plan For Our Lives Ends When …
If we want 2020 to be our year of expansion, we will need to avoid great failures in our lives with all of our strength and discipline. We all know what it’s like to be almost out of control. Sometimes evil … Continue reading
Posted in Hope For Today, Transformed
Tagged 2020, Abel, abundance, bless, brother, Cain, community, consequences, control, death, desire, destroy, destruction, emotions, evil, expansion, failure, flesh, floods, give, God, good, harvest, heart, hope, immediate, instability, less, live, lives, love, mind, murder, murdered, obedience, Passion, people, plan, plans, prepare, preparing, rage, reign, reject, removal, restrain, return, severe, standard, standards, stay at home, strength, suffer, unbearable, virus, work
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Train Them Thursday – God Silences Doubt!
“Zacharias said to the angel, “How will I know this for certain? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.” The angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the … Continue reading
Posted in Discipleship, Train Them Thursdays (discipleship)
Tagged ability, angel, believe, Bible, blameless, change, character, circumstances, create, dead, declare, disciple, discipleship, Distance, doubt, effective, epitome, example, faith, faithfully, frutiful, God, integrity, Jesus, lie, life, married, poison, proclaim, promise, react, rewardd, right living, serve, serving, situation, time, Trust, truth, truthfulness, virus, will, word, Word of God
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Magnificent Marriage Monday – Divide and Conquer!
“Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the LordGod had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in the garden’?”” (Genesis 3:1, CSB) … Continue reading
Posted in Magnificent Marriage Mondays, Marriage, Uncategorized
Tagged accomplishment, Adam, befriend, benefit, better together, clever, conquer, cunning, depending, destroy, divide, division, emotions, enemy, eve, Evil One, failure, future, Garden of Eden, goals, God, harmless discussion, life, Lucifer, marriage, mind, one another, partner, Satan, smart, soul mate, stronger, success, talk, to do list, Trust, union, virus, vulnerable, will, working together
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Episode 131 – How Do I Live Without The Burden of Guilt?
Welcome to the Transformed podcast. Thank you for joining us today as Dr. Matthew Lee Smith, Lead Pastor at Pacific Baptist Church in El Segundo, California, talks about understanding and enjoying the abundance of Jesus in your everyday life. If … Continue reading
Posted in Adundant Life, Suffering, Transformed
Tagged act, attitude, Christianity, cleansing, confess, Confession, deed, freedom, guilt, heart, improvement, intentions, Jesus, judgment, right, rigtheousness, testing, thought, thoughts, Throne of God, Throne of Grace, violate, violation, virus, word
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