Transformed Talks with Dr. Jason Lisle on Why Your Origins Matter!

Jason lisle3a-216x300Transformed recently caught up with Dr. Jason Lisle to talk about the importance of our origins as a species. In this clear and encouraging discussion, Dr. Lisle shares how we, as God’s people, can have great trust in the Biblical record of our beginnings, as Genesis reports it.

Dr. Lisle is a Christian astrophysicist who writes and speaks on various topics relating to science and the defense of the Christian faith.  He graduated summa cum laude from Ohio Wesleyan University where he double-majored in physics and astronomy and minored in mathematics.  He then earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.  Dr. Lisle specialized in solar astrophysics and has made a number of scientific discoveries regarding the solar photosphere, including the detection of giant cell boundaries using the SOHO spacecraft.  He also does theoretical research and has contributed to the field of general relativity.

Since completion of his research at the University of Colorado, Dr. Lisle began working in full-time apologetics ministry, specializing in the defense of Genesis.  He has written a number of articles and books on the topic.  His most well-known book, The Ultimate Proof of Creation, demonstrates that biblical creation is the only logical possibility for origins.  Dr. Lisle wrote and directed the popular planetarium shows at the Creation Museum, including “The Created Cosmos.”  He now works as Director of Research at the Institute for Creation Research.

You can follow Dr. Lisle on his blog. He would encourage you to check out their ministry to youth and college age as well at Your Origin Matters. He is also on staff at the Institute for Creation Research.

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